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Ashdafashion is entering in online fashion business And We consistently strive to interpret and re-invent this category so cater to lovers of Indian fashion from around the world.A one stop online platform offering the widest variety of popular and trendy ethnic fashion step by step.our online store offers it all?

ashdafashion is create each design by its designer and try to give the best price to our customer across the world. Ashda fashion is the Surat based sari manufacturer company. And also have its own unit for design and job work. Ashda fashion is make its sari in its own job work house.

We at ashdafashion believe that the Indian dress is the most elegant and beautiful attire in the world. More of the world deserves to know about the wonderful stories behind a sari fabrics, color and patterns. More of the world deserves to experience the beauty of Indian attire.

Our aims to build a channel directly between the manufacture and you- the sari consumers around the world.A channel with quality and integrity. ashdafashion.comdeliver quality with integrity  ashdafashion.com have deployed. A team that visits and qualifies weavers that. Ashda fashion deals with.We have put together another team of qualified textile and fashion experts. To examine each sari and rate it on 4F factors – Fabric authenticity,Fine workmanship, Fashion quotient and Fitness for occasions.